
12 Days of Gratitude

Here are those things that give us hope, make us smile, warm our hearts, or otherwise remind us of the good in our lives and in the world.
"Grateful for my Garden!" Erin Sheets, Volunteer
I am grateful for the holidays and making gingerbread houses! Julie Davis, Office Manager
“Tonight I asked my daughter,Tatiana, what she is thankful for, and her response was, "you, Mom". Upon hearing that, my heart grew several sizes. Not only because that is the best thing a parent can hear, but also because this year has made my family, friends and community closer and stronger. There have been trials and hardships, no doubt, but the silver linings are there and I'm focused on polishing them till they shine like the summer sun. Cheers and Happy Holidays SLO Village.” -Laine Amaral, Board Member
"I am grateful for my furry family members!" Linda Beck, Board President
“I'm especially grateful for my Covid companion, Crissy. Having her purrs and heartbeat in my home means comfort, security and warmth during these times of isolation. The bumper sticker that says, "Who rescued Who?" says it all.” -Meredith Bates, Board Member & Volunteer Coordinator
"We are grateful for our family." Shopping for a Christmas tree with our Grandson Grey. Dave & Meg
"I'm grateful for the time to make lots of gingerbread houses!" Julie Davis, Office Manager
I am grateful for my buddy Charlie. He keeps me company and lets me hug him when I don’t have anyone else I can hug right now. He makes sure I go for a walk every day and he makes me very happy when I watch him racing extremely happily around the mountains.
Ann Robinson, Board Member
“I am grateful for the time to share with precious companions who never complain. Also, more time to pursue my basket making that I do with pine needles which are always in bounteous supply.” Elizabeth Bear, Member
Elizabeth Bear, Member
"I am grateful for my photogenic cat, Lady Lacey! She was adopted through the CalPoly Cat Program two years ago. She classes up the joint and keeps my husband’s seat warm." Linda Beck, Board President
I am thankful for both of these furry family members" Linda Beck, Board President
After years of searching, 12 years ago, he found "Molly" his 33 Chevy. He bought his first 33 Chevy when he was 14 years old and much to his regret, sold it many years later, so now he's reliving his childhood again with Molly. - Gene Kruger, Volunteer and past Board member
Sharing my gratitude for staying well so far through this pandemic. I am grateful for a nice home, a car to drive when I want to go out, and all the choices I have the freedom to make. I have the greatest gratitude for friends and family, and the joy I’ve found in my new “COVID friend” who has kept in contact with me daily since April and with whom I recently took a road trip to the West Rim of the Grand Canyon.

I am also grateful for the kindness of SLO Village, Traditions Community family, North County Newcomers, organization, Meals that Connect, American Association of University Women, Paso Robles Senior Center and the Senior Advisory Board of the City of Paso Robles for their creative ways of keeping us all connected during these trying times. THANK YOU! - Eileen Brown, Volunteer
"I am grateful for my Mom. Many years ago when I was much younger, she taught me the love of crafting and sewing. She was always working on sewing projects and made a lot of my clothing. We didn’t have a ton of money so all these things she did, helped stretch the family budget. My Mom was an incredible quiltmaker maker. As a result, I was always given the opportunity and the supplies needed to instill the love of crafting in my own life.

Back in March when the first stay-at-home order came, I found myself with way more time on my hands to do creating. An international quilt designer started a “quilt-along” called “Unity”, to give all us quilters something to unite us during this time. It took three months to complete and helped get me through this trying time. I am so glad Mom took the time to teach me the skills that would one day be the thing that helped me get through a very difficult time in all of our lives. I finished the quilt and gifted it to my beautiful Mom!" - Julie Davis, Office Manager
"A big THANKS to you all for making it possible for me to live in my own home. I really appreciate ALL of you for treating me with such kindness and dignity" Peggy Fabricius, Member
I'm grateful for my sweet little kitty that curls up in bed with me every morning. Along with morning coffee in bed, she makes the day get off to a great start! -Sally Kruger, Volunteer and Board Member

SLO Village     SLOVillage.org    office@slovillage.org    (805) 242-6440      PO Box 15038 San Luis Obispo, California 93406